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Setting up a new Business Studio


This is a one-time activity that is usually only performed when setting up the platform for the first time.

Unless you want to explicitly manage separate groups of Business Connector instances, you can skip this step for subsequent BC installations.

The Business Studio is the management interface for the platform. It provides a web-based interface for managing the platform, including creating and managing Business Connector instances and workflows.

There are two recommended ways to deploy the Business Studio. This guide will document each of these methods in turn.

After you have deployed the Business Studio, using one of the methods above, you can proceed to Step 3: Configuring the Business Studio.

Verify Startup

Log entries like below, represent a succesfull startup of the Business Studio:

studio  | <7>24-12-18 13:08:58.492 | One37id.Studio.API.Program[0]  👀 | Checking connection to the PostgreSQL server ...
studio | <6>24-12-18 13:08:58.621 | One37id.Studio.API.Program[0] 💖 | Connection to the PostgreSQL server established successfully.
studio | <7>24-12-18 13:08:58.622 | One37id.Studio.API.Program[0] 👀 | Checking connection to the PostgreSQL server ...
studio | <6>24-12-18 13:08:58.622 | One37id.Studio.API.Program[0] 💖 | Connection to the PostgreSQL server established successfully.
studio | <6>24-12-18 13:08:59.240 | One37id.Studio.API.SystemService[0] 💖 | Studio database exist. Applying migration ...
studio | <6>24-12-18 13:08:59.656 | One37id.Studio.API.SystemService[0] 💖 | Studio setup state: Ready
studio | info: One37id.Studio.API[0]
studio | 💖 | Microsoft.AspNetCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 ver:
studio | info: One37id.Studio.API[0]
studio | 💖 | Development mode.
studio | info: One37id.Studio.API[0]
studio | 💖 | Listenning:
studio | info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
studio | Now listening on:
studio | info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
studio | Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
studio | info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
studio | Hosting environment: Development
studio | info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
studio | Content root path: /app/

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