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Option Activity

This activity allows the user to select from multiple options.

It’s typically used when the app needs the user to choose a specific plan, item, or action.


The OptionActivity expects the following input options:

  • Title (string): The title displayed at the top of the screen to indicate the purpose of the selection.
  • Description (string): Additional context or details for the user about the available options (optional).
  • ButtonCancelText (string): The label for the button to cancel the selection activity.
  • ButtonOKText (string): The label for the button to confirm the selected option and proceed.
  • Options (Array of OptionItem): An array of objects where each object represents an option that the user can select. Each OptionItem contains:
    • key (string): A unique key or identifier for the option.
    • text (string): A description or label for the option. It could also be the image URL when using visual options.

Example Code

optionActivity: async (data: OptionActivityOptions) => {
console.log('Option Activity:', data);
return new Promise<{ action: WorkflowActivityUserAction; result: string }>((resolve) => {
try {
RootNavigation.navigate('WorkflowActivityScreen', {
type: 'option',
onConfirm: (result: string) => {
console.log('Option Activity result:', result);
action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.OK,
onReject: () => {
console.log('Option Activity result:', 'Rejected');
action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.Cancel,
result: '',
} catch (error) {
console.error('Navigation error:', error);
action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.Cancel,
result: '',

Handling and Layout

When the user navigates to the WorkflowActivityScreen for an OptionActivity, the layout generally includes:

  1. Title: Displayed as the primary heading, guiding the user about the selection being requested.

  2. Description: Displays more details or instructions to clarify the purpose of the selection.

  3. Options List/Carousel: A visual component that displays all the options to the user, enabling them to scroll or swipe through the list of choices.

    • In this example, a carousel layout is used to display options, with images representing each option.
    • The user can scroll through the options and see which one is selected in the carousel.
  4. Action Buttons:

    • Cancel Button: This button allows the user to cancel the selection operation, returning a Cancel action.
    • OK Button: When pressed, it submits the user’s selection and returns an OK action.


The output for an Option Activity is the key associated with the selected option. If the activity is confirmed, the resolved result will look like this:

action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.OK,
result: "SelectedOptionKey", // The key of the option selected by the user

If the activity is canceled, the resolved result will look like this:

action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.Cancel,
result: "",

Example Layout Code

Here’s an example layout for handling Option Activity within the screen component:

<View style={[styles.contentContainer, styles.contentContainerOption]}>
<Text style={styles.subheadingOption}>{toTitleCase(data.title)}</Text>
height={400} // Adjust height based on your image size
renderItem={({ item }) => (
<View style={styles.carouselItem}>
<Image source={{ uri: item.text }} style={styles.carouselImage} resizeMode="contain" />
onSnapToItem={index => setSelectedIndexCarousel(index)}
<Text style={styles.optionCounter}>
Option {selectedIndexCarousel + 1} of {data.options.length}
<View style={styles.carouselImageCaptionContainer}>
<Text style={styles.carouselCaptionLabel}>Selected Option: </Text>
<Text style={styles.carouselImageCaption}>{data.options[selectedIndexCarousel]?.key}</Text>
<View style={styles.actionButtonsContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={handleCancel} style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.actionButtonText}>{data.buttonCancelText}</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={handleConfirm} style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.actionButtonText}>{data.buttonOKText}</Text>

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