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Amount Activity

The AmountActivity requests a numeric input, such as an amount to be paid, a quantity, or any numeric value required by the workflow.


The AmountActivity expects the following properties:

  • Title (string): A heading to indicate the purpose of the numeric input (e.g., "Enter Amount").
  • Description (string): Additional instructions for the user (e.g., "Please enter the amount you want to deposit.").
  • Placeholder (string): A hint for the numeric input field (e.g., "e.g., 100").
  • ButtonCancelText (string): Text displayed on the cancel button (e.g., "Cancel").
  • ButtonOKText (string): Text displayed on the confirmation button (e.g., "Submit").

Example Code

amountActivity: async (data: AmountActivityOptions) => {
console.log("AmountActivity from agent:", data);
await delay(300);

return new Promise<{ action: WorkflowActivityUserAction; result: string }>((resolve) => {
RootNavigation.navigate("WorkflowActivityScreen", {
type: "amount",
onConfirm: (result: string) => {
console.log("AmountActivity result:", result);
action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.OK,
onReject: () => {
console.log("AmountActivity result:", "Rejected");
action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.Cancel,
result: "",

Handling and Layout

When the user navigates to the WorkflowActivityScreen for an Amount Activity, the layout includes:

  1. Title: Displays a heading to indicate the purpose of the numeric input (e.g., "Enter Amount").

  2. Description: Provides instructions to guide the user on what amount to enter.

  3. Amount Input:

    • A text input specifically designed to accept a numeric value. It should have a placeholder that indicates the expected value (e.g., "Enter amount").
  4. Action Buttons:

    • Cancel Button: Allows the user to cancel their input, returning a Cancel action.
    • Confirm Button: Submits the user’s input, returning an OK action with the entered amount.


The output for an Amount Activity depends on the user's interaction:

  • If the user confirms, the resolved result will look like this:
action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.OK,
result: "100" // Example amount input by the user
  • If the user cancels, the resolved result will look like this:
action: WorkflowActivityUserAction.Cancel,
result: ""

Example Layout Code for User Input

case "amount":
return (
<View style={styles.contentContainer}>
<Text style={styles.subheading}>{toTitleCase(data.title)}</Text>
<Text style={styles.modalText}>{data.description}</Text>
{errors.amount && <Text style={styles.errorText}>{errors.amount}</Text>}
<View style={styles.actionButtonsContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={handleCancel} style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.actionButtonText}>{data.buttonCancelText}</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={handleConfirm} style={styles.button}>
<Text style={styles.actionButtonText}>{data.buttonOKText}</Text>

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